My Neighbourhood Meeting - Western Parishes 5th February 2013 7pm - 8pm Chair: Colin Coulton Location: Much Hoole Village Hall Officer: Alison hardman Email: [email protected] Phone: 01772 625327
My Neighbourhood Meeting - Central 31st January 2013 7pm - 8pm Chair: Graham Walton Location: St Gerard's Parochial Centre Officer: Suzanne Simpson Email: [email protected] Phone: 01772 625377
My Neighbourhood Meeting - Eastern 17th January 2013 7pm - 8pm Chair: Barrie Yates Location: Gregson Lane Community Centre Officer: Tony Stirland Email: [email protected] Phone: 01772 625568
Bingo/Beetle Drive 14th January 2013 2pm Location: Penwortham Community Centre For more information about this events please visit Penwortham Town Council's official website HERE
Coffee Morning 15th October 2011 Penwortham Conservatives are holding a fundraising coffee morning on Saturday 15th October at 39 Manor Avenue, Penwortham between 10:30am to 12:30pm. There will be a raffle, cakes and the opportunity to meet Lorraine Fullbrook MP. Tickets are priced at £2.50 and are available by telephoning 01772 742173. All welcome.